Some do promote their own religious beliefs as in some way superior to the JW beliefs, And if you don't accept their version of jesus you won't be saved and you should be concerned about the consequences of that decision, that's using coercive language to try to make people accept their version of jesus ,and that's a controlling behaviour, which is the same as jws use to control their followers (victims).
Individuals should be allowed to make a decision about their beliefs or lack of belief based on their own independent research and not being manipulated by others.
As someone who no longer believes in a god or gods because of independent research and following the evidence, and that was by making a personal examination of the bible and its teachings and history and not being coercived by others especially under veiled threats.
So having a discussion on bible topics in a neutral way as it was the way on this site for a long time ,look back at topics in the past you will see that.